About the Author

Originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jared developed an interest in astrology at age twelve when he picked up The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. This book became the gateway through which he entered the world of the occult, touching on Tarot, numerology, metaphysics, and of course, further astrological exploration. During his studies, he discovered that his own cousin, Gary Goldschneider, wrote a series of astrological books, the first of which being The Secret Language Of Birthdays. A penchant for the occult must be genetic.

Around the same time, he embarked on a fifteen year journey through the theatrical world. This adventure took him to many places, one of which was Nappanee, Indiana. It was here in 2004 that Jared wrote the first few words that would become Rising Sign. The idea came to him in a dream that just wouldn't leave him alone and one day, backstage during a production of South Pacific (of all things), he began writing the story in a notebook. Thus, Rising Sign was born.

Five years later, Rising Sign is complete and enjoying a growing popularity among readers. Jared currently lives in New York City where he continues the series while attending school to get his Masters in Special Education.